I Welcome You with a Heartbow,
We are all weaving this tapestry of life. Storytelling from our hearts frequency of where it is at.
Sometimes our hearts ripples can seem mudded from life's structures, old programmes & weaves of functioning to survive. Life can begin to feel like a bumpy ride you may wish to alter or jump off. A burden you wish to no longer carry but rather
evolve or place down.
This is the work I have come to weave on my web of life. I create safe containers. I weave the understandings of energy within & without. Teachings
to honour the souls one true language, the Heart Space. Medicine for the Soul.
In my offerings, together we honour the highest protentional of self. Reclaiming power back that once may have been adrift. Soul retrievals. Journeying home to you. Empowerment. Uplifts. And, the understandings of living from the empowered heart through inner wisdom, inner knowing, inner freedom & inner strength. Learning to be the Warrior whilst gentle with the Self.
Through expression, creativity, love, authenticity & nurture, all natural based offerings from within. Our ancestors linage guides us in spirit whilst holding us in love. The Divine, in remembrance of all that you are, holding the keys within.
​Here, you will find sacred spaces of connection & gatherings helping you to come home to the one true Heart.
Mind, Body & Soul Wisdom
Clarity & Healing
Intuition Medicine
Soul Remembrance
Inner peace & Balance
Energy teachings
Rituals & Practices
Heart Connections
OneTo One
If I resonate with you, journey down to connect.
~ Big Love, from my Heart to Yours ~